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Krupp Loco's
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3rd Class Pass
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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:34 pm    Post subject: Krupp Loco's Reply with quote

Are any of SRT's Krupp locomotives still in active service?

From my limited ability to use the SRT Mechanical Engineering website, 3118 seems to have last worked on September 10th.

Is 3121 still being worked on?
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1st Class Pass (Air)
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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

8 Locos out of 30 Locos - 2 at Thonburi Loco Depot and 6 at Hat Yai Locomotive Depot

The 3 KP loco which has been repower with MTU enginers are KP3114, KP3118 and KP 3121 still waiting for repair even after the repower

Last edited by Wisarut on 16/10/2013 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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3rd Class Pass
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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are any of them still in active service? When I was at Hat Yai two years ago there was a line of Krupps that appeared to have long since been withdrawn form service.

Last edited by Talisman on 16/10/2013 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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1st Class Pass (Air)
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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

as spare parts to keep those 6 Krupp running

KP 3102 - decommissioned - can use both vacuum and air brake
KP 3103 Vacuum brake - using at Hatyai - unknown
KP 3104 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - shunting at Hat yai
KP 3105 Modified for both vacuum and air brake
KP 3106 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - decommissioned at Bangsue Loco depot
KP 3107 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - waiting for major repair at Hat Yai for several years
KP 3108 Vacuum brake - unknown
KP 3109 Vacuum brake - unknown
KP 3110 Modified for pure air brake - decommissioned to be spare parts in Thonburi
3111 Modified for both vacuum and air brake (the first one) - used to run Hat Yai - Padang besar
3112 Modified for both vacuum and air brake- decomissioned at Hat Yai
3113 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - shunting at Hat yai in very sorry state
3114 Modified for both vacuum and air brake- almost decomissioned but Thonburi Loco depot manage to revitalize
3115 Vacuum brake - unknown
3116 Modified for both vacuum and air brake unknown - likely to be decomissioned to be spare parts
3117 Vacuum brake Decomissioned to be spare parts at Hat Yai
3118 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - at Thonburi Loco Depit
3119 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - wiating for repair at Hat Yai after the mechanic room burnt down
3120 Vacuum brake - waiting for repair
3121 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - waiting for repair at Makkasan
3122 Modified for both vacuum and air brake unknown
3123 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - decommissioned after the accident at Ban Din Lan
3124 Modified for both vacuum and air brake waiting for repair
3126 Vacuum brake - using at Hatyai - unknown
3127 Modified for both vacuum and air brake unknown
3128 Vacuum brake - unknown
3129 Vacuum brake - waiting for the repair
3130 - decommissioned - can use both vacuum and air brake - decommissioned but whereabout unknown

Last edited by Wisarut on 16/10/2013 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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3rd Class Pass
3rd Class Pass

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Location: Annfield Plain, England

PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wisarut wrote:
8 Locos out of 30 Locos - 2 at Thonburi Loco Depot and 6 at Hat Yai Locomotive Depot

The 3 KP loco which has been repower with MTU enginers are KP3114, KP3118 and KP 3121 still waiting for repair even after the repower

In other words, there are none serviceable at the moment. That's what I thought.

Last edited by Talisman on 16/10/2013 7:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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1st Class Pass (Air)
1st Class Pass (Air)

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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sort of sir
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3rd Class Pass
3rd Class Pass

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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wisarut wrote:
Sort of sir

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3rd Class Pass
3rd Class Pass

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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 8:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wisarut wrote:
as spare parts to keep those 6 Krupp running

KP 3102 - decommissioned - can use both vacuum and air brake
KP 3103 Vacuum brake - using at Hatyai - unknown
KP 3104 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - shunting at Hat yai
KP 3105 Modified for both vacuum and air brake
KP 3106 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - decommissioned at Bangsue Loco depot
KP 3107 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - waiting for major repair at Hat Yai for several years
KP 3108 Vacuum brake - unknown
KP 3109 Vacuum brake - unknown
KP 3110 Modified for pure air brake - decommissioned to be spare parts in Thonburi
3111 Modified for both vacuum and air brake (the first one) - used to run Hat Yai - Padang besar
3112 Modified for both vacuum and air brake- decomissioned at Hat Yai
3113 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - shunting at Hat yai in very sorry state
3114 Modified for both vacuum and air brake- almost decomissioned but Thonburi Loco depot manage to revitalize
3115 Vacuum brake - unknown
3116 Modified for both vacuum and air brake unknown - likely to be decomissioned to be spare parts
3117 Vacuum brake Decomissioned to be spare parts at Hat Yai
3118 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - at Thonburi Loco Depit
3119 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - wiating for repair at Hat Yai after the mechanic room burnt down
3120 Vacuum brake - waiting for repair
3121 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - waiting for repair at Makkasan
3122 Modified for both vacuum and air brake unknown
3123 Modified for both vacuum and air brake - decommissioned after the accident at Ban Din Lan
3124 Modified for both vacuum and air brake waiting for repair
3126 Vacuum brake - using at Hatyai - unknown
3127 Modified for both vacuum and air brake unknown
3128 Vacuum brake - unknown
3129 Vacuum brake - waiting for the repair
3130 - decommissioned - can use both vacuum and air brake - decommissioned but whereabout unknown

Many thanks - that is a very detailed list.

I somehow think that only 3114, 3118 and 3121 have any chance of ever running again. But I hope that I am wrong!

I recall what I think was 3113 shunting Hat Yai Yard in July 2011 and it looked and sounded very rough then.

Is 3015 still the Surat Thani station pilot loco?
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1st Class Pass (Air)
1st Class Pass (Air)

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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henschel 3015? Seem to be under repair at Thungsong Loco Depot after shunting at Surat Thani yard for several years ... well the other 26 have been decommissioned from SRT and now 4 have been in used By Italian Thai Development after cannibalizing much of Henschel Diesel Hydrolic Locos - HE 3026 has been plinted at Kantang station though
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3rd Class Pass
3rd Class Pass

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PostPosted: 16/10/2013 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wisarut wrote:
Henschel 3015? Seem to be under repair at Thungsong Loco Depot after shunting at Surat Thani yard for several years ... well the other 26 have been decommissioned from SRT and now 4 have been in used By Italian Thai Development after cannibalizing much of Henschel Diesel Hydrolic Locos - HE 3026 has been plinted at Kantang station though

Good to see that at least one has been preserved. Unfortunately, in Britain, many diesel classes were scrapped without any examples being saved.
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